About Angels' Wings

In 1984, the Donnelly Family, then owners of The Indiana Gazette, created a program to give to those in need in Indiana County during the holiday season. The program has had a few name changes over the years, but the mission has always remained the same: to spread a bit of joy and hope during the holidays to those who need it most.

With the recent sale of The Indiana Gazette, the Donnelly Family wanted to find a new primary sponsor of the program and Diamond Drugs, Inc. quickly came to mind. “After seeing the history of their commitment to the program over the years, Diamond Drugs is the perfect fit as the new primary sponsor of the Angels’ Wings Program. They have always been amazingly generous with their support,” said Linda Donnelly, who will remain involved with the program as an advisor.

The Indiana Gazette will continue to sponsor the program as well.

Mark Zilner, Diamond’s Owner & Chief Operating Officer, is looking forward to sponsoring the program. “We are honored to take over the Angels’ Wings Program and continue the wonderful work that the Donnelly Family, Indiana Gazette, and ICCAP have done over the years for our community. Angels’ Wings is a program that helps so many during the holiday season and we are looking forward to working with ICCAP and The Indiana Gazette to ensure the continued success of this valuable program.”